Tuesday, March 9, 2010


A podcast is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and downloaded through web syndication.

The mode of delivery differentiates podcasting from other means of accessing media files over the Internet, such as direct download, or streamed webcasting. A list of all the audio or video files currently associated with a given series is maintained centrally on the distributor's server as a web feed, and the listener or viewer employs special client application software known as a podcatcher that can access this web feed, check it for updates, and download any new files in the series. This process can be automated so that new files are downloaded automatically. Files are stored locally on the user's computer or other device ready for offline use, giving simple and convenient access to episodic content.
The term "podcasting" was first mentioned by Ben Hammersley in The Guardian newspaper in a February 2004 article.

The logo used by Apple to represent Podcasting

A podcast is a series of media files, in either audio or video format, that are distributed through a syndicated RSS feed and released in chronological order. A podcast is an online talk radio show, news show or other type of show that you can subscribe to and get automatically as each new episode is released.

Podcasts are often available through blogs or on blog directories. iTunes is the host of some of the most popular online shows. Listeners can use a podcatcher to download the files and in some cases have the program downloaded automatically. Podcasts are often played on an iPod, the Apple mp3 player they get their name from. They can also be downloaded and played on other brands of mp3 players.

Here are some of the common features:

1.Hosts - Most often a podcast has one or more hosts that present the show each week. They usually have a topic of focus and often have guests to speak and showcase their expertise on that topic.

2.Released by Episode - Shows are not available all at once. You can download past episodes but much like a TV show you must wait for the next episode to be released. Many happen on a weekly or monthly basis, while others may be daily. The frequency of the release is a choice of the host.

3.Syndication - What makes a podcast different from just an mp3 download is that they are syndicated and available through an RSS feed. Every podcast has it's own unique feed that anyone can subscribe to. Then, when there is a new episode the feed is updated and the episode is delivered automatically.

Video podcasting has become more and more popular as the availability of Flip cameras and other easy to use digital video cameras become available on the market. It's relatively simple for someone to get set up with a video camera, record a podcast and then upload that for everyone to view.

The length of the podcast varies depending on the type of podcast, topic, and general preferences of the host and/or audience. Some are as short as just a few minutes while others are an hour or longer. Podcasting can be used to promote a business or it can be a business in itself. The options and uses are practically limited only by the imagination.

Looking at this medium from the subscribers point of view it really is a wonderful thing! Listeners get to choose what they want to listen to and when. This is very different from traditional media such as TV and radio where you have to watch or listen on the broadcasting schedule.

Also the variety of topics and information available through podcasts is massive. Because anyone can podcast relatively easily listeners now have access to information they never would have received before.

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